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The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks NN
And as you say, I every now and then spout out crap about America, but it's mostly aimed to the political side of it all, the american citizens I know close to nothing about. That's also why I want to meet some of them, or the "everyday american" so I can understand them better.

AND! I want to eat a lot Heared great things about BBQs and different things I can try to eat down there! I love food mm!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from TurboBlaster :What a friendly comment from you, no i made this post in full seriousness, for me this game is still the one racing simulator out there i enjoy the most.

As you stated one of the many advantages is an easy way to join races, the game also runs on low-end PCs, true that nowadays most people have high class products but not everyone can afford such luxus, that makes LFS in a certain way special aswell.

I just wanted to share some happiness to this community And remember that this game is still great fun..

Sorry, my reply was aimed for the Dave guy above my other post, this was not meant as an attack against you
I think it's great that you like LFS, and I do not say it is anything wrong with it. LFS is a excelent product, it is just a little outdated in my eyes.

Sorry for the misunderstanding!

Quote from Racer Y :Is it just me? Or are racing titles in general going the way of Ms. Pacman?
Especially more realistic games like LFS?
I mean what kid out there plugs a wheel to their tablet? What does dynamic real time physics mean to some one that plays their computer games on a smartphone laying in a crooked angle in their bed? And most importantly, How is going around and around in a circle fun for these millenials when you can't blast someone to oblivion and post it on facebook?

How many New racing titles are out today compared to this time ten years ago?

I canot answer that, as I do now know what actually was out around this time 10 years ago. I know LFS was a SIM ahead of it's time. Maybe Nascar Racing 2003 was also ahead of it's time, and a worthy opponent of LFS at that time. Correct me if Im wrong.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Live in your little bubble mate, please do ^^
Alltho I know you are trolling, and if not - then you truelly are one ignorant little...thing.

While LFS was groundbreaking for it's time, now almost every aspect of LFS is adopted in other games, perfected and improved. LFS was great, but it stoped, the gaming industry did not and while LFS had advantages in the earlier days it's miles behind the rest at current time.

That said, LFS is still great, but it just canot compete.
The only thing that LFS actually has which other games might lack, is a great netcode and a fast and easy way to join other people in race.

So to sum it all up, LFS was and is great, but the development of the game could not keep up with the rest of the gaming industry and technology. It remains as a nostaly factor for the people that does not want to move on and admit that the newcomers (not just AC in particullary here) are actually pretty damn good. This means however that the newcomers are not perfect, they have flaws, but then again: LFS had and has flaws too so saying anything is superior compared to the other is wrong.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
To answer a question on the other page:
Why SA and why USA? The reason why we go to SA is because it is the easiest place to fly to in US from where we live. Also because there are things closeby, like Grand Cannyon and Las Vegas, and so on
And why we want to go to US is because I have allways wabted to see the place for myself. I like to travvel and see new places and new people

Sorry fof the horrible grammar, writing on a phonee sucks.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha Dawe, thanks, I'll remember that
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from th84 :I'm confident that you'll feel right at home in San Fran.

Fly down to Atlanta while you're in the states. I'll take you out, get you drunk and then take advantage of your anal region.

That would be something

Quote from Racer Y :......the charm is to meet new people and new cultues, do mistakes, learn and generally have a great time too......

In America, that depends on what neighborhood you go to.
ROFL according to the French Travel Ministry, they say NOT to even travel through my side of town after dark.
It isn't THAT bad...even though I was racing some Aussies online years ago and had to jump up and chase off a punk thinking he was going to break in my house.
Then there's the cartels hits.... I witnessed a drive-by two years ago. No one was hurt, but the house sure was shot up. This new Years, we got to hear dueling machine guns over the rest of the gun fire....
Yeah. Listen to the French. Go to San Francisco.

Waaa... lol! Well, most places are dangerous anyway, but Im not pretty enough to get raped, and actually I think Im not that skinny either so I don't look like the normal easy target for a 1on1 assault either... unless he has gun, then I'm truelly ****ed.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Wow! The first one is great!
How do I install these?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha, yeah, teach me

And I dont want to travvel to America to talk with Scandinavians :/ The worst kind of vecation are those kind of vecations when you end up hanging with people from your own country all the time, the charm is to meet new people and new cultues, do mistakes, learn and generally have a great time too
The Very End
S3 licensed
15% is rather high, but I can understand it. It's not like I want to be cheap or anything, but at least from my point of veiw / culture tip is a small extra you give for good service if you feel for it - it is not forced upon you or needed, and if you tip there is no minimum they want.

Then again they earn more over here, so gues tips is just like a bonus instead of a need.
The Very End
S3 licensed
I am very familiar with Amster yes ;D

And about tip, yes I'v heared something about that! They demand like minimum 10% of the cost of the food, and if you do not give that they get really offended. Is that true?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :You can do that in Las Vegas. I think in a small variety of race cars. It's pretty pricey. And there are various packages based on the car and the duration. I think you have some sort of training class for a couple of hours. I dunno. Never did it, but I know they have it.

Here in Houston you ride a ferrari or a lamborghini on an auto cross layout for $80.00 for three laps. Haven't done that yet. Whoever started this up just did so.
There's bound to be other people in other cities that do something similar.

Personally I'd recommend the going to see the Grand Canyon if you can. It's one of those places on the planet that if you have the opportunity to see it in your lifetime, you should.

We're allready desided that if we go there, we'll of course take a look on Grand Zanyon!

And thanks for the details about the driving thing. Would be fun, even tho for those few laps, to drive a propper car for a change
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from BigPeBe :To remove that annoying penalty thing, go to Documents/Assetto Corsa/cfg and open race.ini. Find line "ALLOWED_TYRES_OUT=" and change the value to -1 (negative number).

Thanks a lot
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well you know... Well often it's on exit of corners, and I could see reasons for that. But sometimes it seem to trigger if you are just far out on the curp.

While other parts you can clearly cheat by using way too much of the track, so the system is not consistent
The Very End
S3 licensed
What? I get it no matter where I am if all 4 wheels are outside the track. Sometimes, at least on Imola, it seems to be triggered with just 2 wheels off the track in certain areas.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Guess it's mostly due the way the camera is, aswell that it is pre-alpha.
But damn does it look tasty when it hits the other car!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from ImudilaSkyline :This penalty when you touch the grass is just the most annoying thing ever, you are already losing some time by that and then you get this penalty...

I agree. It needs to be a more advanted system, like zone checks. If a certain part of track is classified as a NO-GO zone and you touch it, then you get that penalty, maybe even a more severe one, but going off at the grass on a straight or OUTSIDE of a corner is not cutting track... So as current time beeing the system is very much flawed.
The Very End
S3 licensed
When you try to force new ideas onto LFS forum, this is what you get:
LFS Forum defending LFS from the new Asetto Corsa game.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from HenkkaWRC : lol

E: Your girlfriend?

Who? You?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from HenkkaWRC :Got to say, with some care EVERYTHING can look good a long time.

Yeah, if only anyone would take care of my penis
The Very End
S3 licensed
Yeah, with some care weapons can look good a LONG time
Remember back to my military service, the weapons we had were as far back as to the 70's (AG3s), some of them looked still new, while other which had not recived so much care looked horrible.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Yeah, agree.
Just curious, do you use these weapons, or is it mostly of the look / something to have in the home?
The Very End
S3 licensed
For every 1001 retarded comment I make there is one that shines... guess I'll have to do 854 more posts of pure crap first... blergh..

And I still canot drive the god damn Lotus 49 propper.. like 3 seconds slower than the fastest time on tracks with it :/
The Very End
S3 licensed
I hate you sig.